Thursday, July 8, 2010

This pasta al dente is boasting with flavors. starting off with sauteed onions and garlic and a touch of cumin for that extra smokiness. This pasta will gaurantee Shalom Bayis when served by the husband on Motzoi Shabbos.
This sandwich was inspired by top burger Chef Bobby Flay. the salami is complimented with fried onions and potatoes, the lettuce and tomatoes add that super crunch, topped with a delicious garlic sauce to open the tonge's taste buds

This flounder sandwich was made by my most beautiful wife. it is topped with a mouth watering mozzarella tarter sauce guaranteed to arouse any appetite


  1. DUDE!!!! The food looks awesome man!

    Keep it comin'

  2. Your stuff looks very well presented and extremely inviting!!!!

  3. ehm, chazonissimi
    btw, Yisroel, great description of your wife. good adjectives for the food too.

  4. o thanks for the comment hopefully i will see you sukkas imyh...

  5. I heaar you will soon be promoted to the yeshiva cook!

  6. Che uno chef! Dove posso trovare questo?
